Monotonic Arrays
A monotonic array is an array whose elements, from left to right, are entirely non-increasing, or entirely non-decreasing. Return true if the given ar...
Three Number Sum
Given an array of integers, find three integers in the array that sum to a specific target number.
Spiral Traversal
Given a 2D matrix of numbers, return a spiral traversal of the matrix in the clockwise direction.
Product Sum
Given an array (that can have nested arrays) - return the sum of all the numbers in the array. If nested array is encountered, recursively add the num...
Non Repeating First Character
Given a string of characters, return the index of the first non-repeating character.
Maximum Subset Sum With No Adjacent
Given an array of POSITIVE INTEGERS, find the greatest sum that can be generated without adding 2 numbers positioned next to each other.
Transfer List
Given a list of checkbox items, transfer checked items from one container to the other.
Select All Checkboxes
Given a `Select All` checkbox - toggle the children's checkboxes in such a way that when the `select all` button is clicked, all the boxes are checked...
Smallest Difference
Given two arrays of integers, find the pair of values (one value in each array) with the smallest (non-negative) difference.
Binary Search
Given an array of sorted integers in ascending order, and a target integer, write a function to search target in nums array. If target exists, return ...
Nth Fibonacci
Given an integer n, return the nth Fibonacci number. In mathematics, the Fibonacci numbers form a sequence called the Fibonacci sequence - In which ea...
Minimum Number Of Coins To Make Change
Given an array of coins or denominations and a target sum, calculate the minimum number of coins required to match the total. Note that the coins arra...
Sorted Squared Array
Given an array of integers A sorted in non-decreasing order, return an array of the squares of each number, also in sorted non-decreasing order.
Move Element
Given an array of integers and a target value, move all instances of that target value to the end end of the array. The order of the resulting array d...