
Questions asked in Amazon


20 minutes

Implement Currying

Create a function `sum` that implements currying. Currying is a transformation of functions that translates a function from being callable as f(x, y, ...


60 minutes

Feedback Stars

Create a feedback rating component that takes in a number of stars and outputs the corresponding star SVGs on the output window. When the user clicks ...


30 minutes

Kth Largest in a BST

Find Kth largest in a BST - Given a BST and a number k, find the kth largest element in the BST.


60 minutes

Countries List with Debounce

Debouncing is a method of preventing a function from being invoked too often, and instead of waiting a certain amount of time until it was last called...


60 minutes


A polyfill is a code snippet (in terms of javascript web architecture) used for modern world functionalities on older browsers that do not implement i...


30 minutes

String Compression

Given a string of alphabets (from a to z), Print the count of the character appearing in the string right next to it. This is also called Run Length E...


30 minutes

Branch Sums in a Binary Tree

Given a Binary Tree, compute the sum of all the branches in the tree. 1 branch is the path from the root to a leaf.


20 minutes


Memoization is a way for a function to remember or cache the results. Given an expensive function that takes a long time to compute for the same resul...


60 minutes

Job Feed

Create a Job Feed page where the latest job postings are fetched from the Hackernews API. On clicking the job posting, the user should be able to land...


60 minutes

Folder Structure

Given a data object resembling a folder structure, create a folder structure UI resembling that of VS code with appropriate functionalities.


30 minutes

Find Successor

Given the root of a binary tree and a node in it, return the in-order successor of that node in the BST. If the given node has no in-order successor i...


35 minutes

Toasts And Notifications

Toasts are the small little notification messages that popup on front-end applications to notify the user of some current actions that have happened. ...


30 minutes

Smallest Difference

Given two arrays of integers, find the pair of values (one value in each array) with the smallest (non-negative) difference.


30 minutes

Depth First Search

Depth-first search (DFS) is an algorithm for traversing or searching tree or graph data structures. The algorithm starts at the root node (selecting s...


30 minutes

Binary Search

Given an array of sorted integers in ascending order, and a target integer, write a function to search target in nums array. If target exists, return ...


35 minutes

BST Construction

Construct a Binary Search Tree and implement that implements insert, search, traverse and delete methods.


30 minutes

Nth Fibonacci

Given an integer n, return the nth Fibonacci number. In mathematics, the Fibonacci numbers form a sequence called the Fibonacci sequence - In which ea...


30 minutes

Minimum Number Of Coins To Make Change

Given an array of coins or denominations and a target sum, calculate the minimum number of coins required to match the total. Note that the coins arra...


30 minutes

Levenshtein Distance

Given 2 strings, find the minimum number of operations required to change one string to the other. An operation is defined as either replacement of a ...