useOutsideClick Custom Hook
useOutsideClick custom hook can be used to determine if a click event was triggered outside of the target element's boundary. Create a function called...
Lightbox Gallary
Create a minimal Lightbox Gallery. A lightbox gallery is an image gallery with many images lined up as tiles. Once a tile is clicked, a full-screen im...
Nth Fibonacci
Given an integer n, return the nth Fibonacci number. In mathematics, the Fibonacci numbers form a sequence called the Fibonacci sequence - In which ea...
Guess The Output I
Given a set of instructions in javascript, guess the output of the given code snippet. It will have promises, setTimeout(), setInterval(), and other a...
Binary Tree Diameter
Given a Binary Tree, Return an integer that represents the diameter of the Binary Tree. A Diameter is the length of the longest path in the Binary Tre...
Link Previewer
Create a Link Previewer component in React that takes in children prop, that, when hovered over, displays the link that was provided to the component ...
Command Palette
Create a Command Palette that opens up with Keyboard events like Command + K. In this problem, The command palette will have navigation links to which...