SAP Labs
SAP Labs
30 minutes
useOutsideClick Custom Hook
useOutsideClick custom hook can be used to determine if a click event was triggered outside of the target element's boundary. Create a function called...
60 minutes
Lightbox Gallary
Create a minimal Lightbox Gallery. A lightbox gallery is an image gallery with many images lined up as tiles. Once a tile is clicked, a full-screen im...
30 minutes
Non Repeating First Character
Given a string of characters, return the index of the first non-repeating character.
30 minutes
Binary Tree Diameter
Given a Binary Tree, Return an integer that represents the diameter of the Binary Tree. A Diameter is the length of the longest path in the Binary Tre...
30 minutes
Levenshtein Distance
Given 2 strings, find the minimum number of operations required to change one string to the other. An operation is defined as either replacement of a ...