
Array-based problems


30 minutes

Number of Ways To Make Change

Given a target amount and a set of denominations (coins), find the total number of ways the given target amount can be expressed by using the denomina...


30 minutes

Spiral Traversal

Given a 2D matrix of numbers, return a spiral traversal of the matrix in the clockwise direction.


30 minutes

Product Sum

Given an array (that can have nested arrays) - return the sum of all the numbers in the array. If nested array is encountered, recursively add the num...


30 minutes

Non Repeating First Character

Given a string of characters, return the index of the first non-repeating character.


30 minutes

Maximum Subset Sum With No Adjacent

Given an array of POSITIVE INTEGERS, find the greatest sum that can be generated without adding 2 numbers positioned next to each other.


30 minutes

Smallest Difference

Given two arrays of integers, find the pair of values (one value in each array) with the smallest (non-negative) difference.


20 minutes

Multiple Filters

Given a list of products and a list of filters, create a multi-filters buttons bar with a list of filters. If any of the filter is clicked, the list o...


40 minutes

Form Validation

Create a Form Component in React that renders out a list of input fields and validates them before finally submitting the form. Create the form from s...


30 minutes

Nth Fibonacci

Given an integer n, return the nth Fibonacci number. In mathematics, the Fibonacci numbers form a sequence called the Fibonacci sequence - In which ea...


30 minutes

Minimum Number Of Coins To Make Change

Given an array of coins or denominations and a target sum, calculate the minimum number of coins required to match the total. Note that the coins arra...


30 minutes

Levenshtein Distance

Given 2 strings, find the minimum number of operations required to change one string to the other. An operation is defined as either replacement of a ...


30 minutes

Move Element

Given an array of integers and a target value, move all instances of that target value to the end end of the array. The order of the resulting array d...