
Questions that involve Javascript


60 minutes


A polyfill is a code snippet (in terms of javascript web architecture) used for modern world functionalities on older browsers that do not implement i...


20 minutes


Memoization is a way for a function to remember or cache the results. Given an expensive function that takes a long time to compute for the same resul...


25 minutes

Flatten A Nested Object

Flatten a nested object that contains arrays and objects as children. The task is to make the object flat, i.e. there should be no nested children lef...


30 minutes

Transfer List

Given a list of checkbox items, transfer checked items from one container to the other.


45 minutes

Select All Checkboxes

Given a `Select All` checkbox - toggle the children's checkboxes in such a way that when the `select all` button is clicked, all the boxes are checked...


10 minutes

Guess The Output I

Given a set of instructions in javascript, guess the output of the given code snippet. It will have promises, setTimeout(), setInterval(), and other a...


10 minutes

Guess The Output II

Given an object with functions first() and second() - Guess the output of the given snippet that contains two function calls, one is an arrow function...


40 minutes

Form Validation

Create a Form Component in React that renders out a list of input fields and validates them before finally submitting the form. Create the form from s...


45 minutes

Insert Text In Document

Given a textarea and a document box, Insert the text in the document in such a way that it HIGHLIGHTS the text content which is most recently added to...